Where Tranquility Transforms Chaos™


Jennifer Lee Bane,

I am a  spiritual badass, I am a entrepreneur, a force of good, and a force of God.  I have two beautiful healthy children.

Life can I say it hasn't been easy for me since I was born.  However, it's through trials and tribulations that made me strong.  My adversity especially health wise has given me an different outlook on life.

Twenty five  years old lived a normal life and something started happening in my body,  extreme weakness in my muscles came on .  I went to my orthopedic and he wrote down 3 letters FSH.  Later on went home and couldn't believe what I was reading I have muscular dystrophy.

Shocked how can that be, a collegiate athlete, personal trainer no way/ 3  weeks later my genetic test confirmed the diagnosis, of fascioscapulohumeral dysteropy FSHMD. On that same day I found out I was pregnant...

Jenny Bane

"Holy God Help Me",  I said out loud.  Scared beyond belief, every thought came racing through my head.  Will my child have this, am I a carrier?  My daughter was born healthy.

Well that was 25 years ago.

I have learned to appreciate life everyday.   My muscular dystrophy is truly a blessing and a  gift from God.  My faith in God is unwavering  and I have never let this disease define or become my identity.  I had to learn to bypass my muscles and rely on my bones.  I had to relearn to how to walk because the MD traveled into both of my legs and feet. I learned how strong my mindset  was and,  I never went into victim mode.  Energy is life, energy is real and I have overcome so my obstacles because of this.

My story is powerful because of belief in myself, my mindset and my faith. I learned never to leave any stone unturned.  Life is going to knock you down but its how you get up that's the question. Its your comeback story yours and only yours, how are you going to rewrite it.

You can heal your body even when every doctor has said you can't, my response is watch me.  I love life and exude it.  I am unstoppable and can overcome whatever challenges  I am faced with.  Mindset is the key to success and so is gratitude.  I give gratitude everyday to my MD because it is my  gift, my  gift of inspiration to the world.. you can knock me down but you can't knock me out.

I believe we are spiritual beings having a human experience and not the other way around.   Energy is real and you can have the life of your dreams by aligning and becoming coherent with the frequencies to manifest that.  Trust me I am not a coach for everyone.   I will hold you accountable and push you out of your comfort zones.  We will dive deep inside of you of your soul and get a deeper understanding of self love and self worth.   We will walk this journey together so you can F.L.Y.  in order to fly you must first love yourself.

You are worthy of living your best life and I will give you the tools to get there.

If this resonates with you, then I am Your Coach.  Let's Embark on the most transformative journey of your life!!! The time is Now, aren't you worth it!!

Call me to discuss.